The Benefits of Facial Massage
Tones facial muscles and relieves tension.
Boosts circulation; Which increases collagen production and cell growth, resulting in a smooth, glowing complexion.
Improves product absorption; Massaging your face with your fingers in upward lifting movements is a wonderful way to help your skin care products be absorbed into your skin.
Relaxation; Facial massage is amazing for slowing down the ageing process and promoting healthier skin, Massaging your face for three to five minutes ,at least three times a week will give you amazing results
Reduces swelling; Reduces puffiness, Improves dullness and dryness of our skin
Facial Massage
With fingers held together, draw them over the sides of your nose from inner eye socket to the base and up again.
Use the middle finger to circle around the nostrils, applying more pressure on the upward stroke.